Very cool blend of puzzle games
I played this waaaaayyyy too long. I think I was at level 40-50 or so before it got too insane. However, the start of this game is quite slow, and those without the patience to play for a while and get up to the black blocks/luxury balls and so on might get bored of it. You might want to add dificulties, like two rows added at a time and so on, so people who want to get into the game faster, can. When the speed finally increases it's good, but when it gets really fast, sometimes hitting the blocks doesn't always work. I also thought the game was a little mean when you're trying to aim between blocks. You have to be perfectly accurate, or the block just gets nullified by the other blocks. You could show the path in which the ball will fall (like a dotted line) which could be turned on or off depending on difulculty. The music got a little repetitive after a while, I didn't see a button to turn it off or go to another track, so you could add that feature as well. I had fun with this in either case and I played it for quite a while. For that I thank you!